Our forum has been seeded by an ex YPO’er who spent 7 years learning and growing in this excellent organization. At ‘Presidents Forum Confidential’ we use best known practices to help our peer group thrive. When a member is ready to take on the responsibility of a “Moderator” everyone cheers them on. When important milestones are achieved by a member – everyone celebrates. When a challenge enters a member’s life – everyone extends their support.

Every new member is thoughtfully integrated into a Forum consisting of 5-6 peers, with his/her individual preferences and wishes being a priority. Time zones, personal and professional backgrounds, new participant’s openness to different cultures and languages, the value that a particpant is looking to dervie from the forum – all taken into the placement consideration. Additionally, new members have the liberty to select their forum type: a ‘non-business’ group that focuses purely on personal and professional development, or a ‘business-allowed’ group where members can explore commercial opportunities with one another.

Forum sessions conducted monthly and usually are 4 hours long. Each member shares an update on their personal and business happenings for the last month, and one of the members gets the 1.5-hour spotlight. They use 30 minutes to present on an issue they are seeking feedback on, and 60 minutes are allotted for peers to ask clarifying questions and provide insights and potential solutions.  

Some sessions have an educational aspect where a certain amount of time is allotted to getting up to speed on a previously agreed-upon topic. Expert guest speakers are invited or one of the members with expert knowledge on the subject matter presents to the group.

We aim at getting together and meeting each other live at least once a year. Everyone in a forum group suggests a date and geographical location for the annual forum retreat and forum members keep voting until everyone agrees on a date and place that works best for the majority in the forum group. EXCLUSIVE “Presidents Forum Confidential” members retreat experience guaranteed! (will come with a price tag).

Have you ever wondered how executive education study groups are put together? Or maybe you have previous experience with Vistage, EO, or YPO? Why do some groups/forums blow up while others remain trusted confidants and good friends for years?

Be part of a forum where you can grow, learn, be a respected contributor and enjoy peer support. In the dawning AI age, real and meaningful human connection will become the most important aspect of our lives.

Let’s come together!

Disclaimer: “Presidents Forum Confidential” is an independent entity and is not affiliated with, connected to, endorsed by, or in any other way related to Entrepreneurs Organization (EO), Vistage, or Young Presidents’ Organization (YPO). The use of these names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply any endorsement or association with these organizations. “Presidents Forum Confidential” operates as a separate and distinct forum, offering unique experiences and services that are independently developed and not associated with the aforementioned organizations or their activities.